Croxton School conducts a Multi-age program within Thornbury Primary School. This program caters for primary-aged students from 10-12 years who have an intellectual disability. It is staffed by a full-time teacher and an Education Support staff member. All activities and tasks are implemented in line with the Victorian Curriculum for Primary Schools.
The program focuses on students’ individual learning needs and aims to develop/extend students’ social skills within a mainstream setting. Students in the Multi-Age Program attend Thornbury Primary School four days per week, and they participate in year-level appropriate programs within the mainstream setting. Students are assisted by a Multi-age staff member when they are actively involved in mainstream classes.
Some examples of the integrated classes include Art, Phys Ed, Language and Culture (Thornbury PS has a Koorie Educator), Interschool Sport, excursions and incursions, and mainstream school special days (NAIDOC, Sorry Day, Writers’ Festival, Autumn Harvest Festival and other special days.)
The program also provides the following: Individual Educational Plans, comprehensive reporting to parents, Speech, Performing Arts, specialist staff for Health and Physical Education and Art, access to educational psychologists and social workers, camping/sleepovers and excursions, a swimming program, a Bike Education program, and ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ and ‘Fun Run’ programs.
All students are required to purchase and wear the relevant school uniform.