Croxton School has three buses that transport students to and from school each day. Below you will find details of the bus company, the supervisors and their mobile phone numbers. It is essential that you notify your child’s bus supervisor, and the general office at the Northcote Campus (9482 5482) of any changes to your child’s transport arrangements. It is also essential to notify your child’s teacher of these changes.
Bus Company
Dyson Group
889 High Street,
Reservoir 3073
9470 3355
Croxton School contact
Poppie Hatzi: 9482 5482
Bus supervisors
Coburg Bus Stephanie: 0425 806 352
Preston Bus Vicky: 0425 806 357
Reservoir Bus Dot: 0425 806 358
Transport assistance
Transport assistance to and from your home to Croxton School may include one of a variety of types of assistance, depending on the eligibility of students. This includes:
• providing access to a bus service
• providing a travel pass for those students who are capable of travelling independently
Students who live fewer than 4.8km from the school may be able to access a bus only if there is seating available on the bus service. This permission to travel may be granted on a term by term basis. Door to door transport is not an entitlement and a number of families are required to privately transport their child to a pick-up point to catch a transport service. Pick up-points minimise time spent on transport for all students.
In the interest of ensuring the most efficient service for all students, individual requests cannot be accommodated. Students are allocated one type of transport assistance, for example, if your child accesses the school bus, the policy is one seat on one bus. This means that your child travels on the bus in the morning and in the afternoon.
Independent travel
Where possible, please try to build your child’s confidence in travelling on public transport. If at any time during the year you feel your daughter/son is capable of travelling independently to or from school, please fill in the form available from the office. Also let the class teacher know the details so that they are aware for safety reasons.
Travel skills are taught within programs. It is important to remember however, that this does not replace a formalised travel training program. Formalised travel training may be conducted through DHHS and is an arrangement made by families.